27.01.2010, 00:00 Uhr

Apple Tablet Tester Jason Calacanis plaudert auf Twitter Details aus

Jason Calacanis, eine bekannte Grösse im Silicon Valley, gibt an, ein Tablet von Apple getestet zu haben. Er zeigt zwar keine Bilder davon und nennt nicht den endgültigen Namen. Trotzdem verrät er auf Twitter eine Menge Details. So zum Beispiel, dass zwei Kameras, eine vorne und hinten, eingebaut sind, das Tablet über einen OLED-Bildschirm verfügt und es auf der Rückseite sogar Solarzellen hat. Zum Gamen soll das Tablet super sein und auch über Wifi LAN-parties ermöglichen. Sogar Preise nennt Jason Calacanis auf http://twitter.com/Jason, nämlich 599, 699 und 799 Dollar je nach Ausstattung.  Sein Statment: It is the most *amazing* device ever. Heute abend werden wir wissen, ob er die Wahrheit sagte. (ph)
Hier seine einzelnen Tweets auf Englisch:
apple tablet connects to other tablets over wifi for gaming. There will be LAN parties with these things, people playingFirst personshooters
Apple tablet games are sick. Basically nintendo wii-level innovation. Custom farmville app is insane. Mark pincus is demoing with steve tmmr
Ok, Im going to bed (with apple tablet after reading nytimes+Vanity Fair on it!), steve jobs outdid himself, its greatest device ever!!!
Apple tablets 2 cameras is sick feature for video conferencing: u shoot whats in front of you + yourself. Augmented video conferncing!
Yes, apple tablet is oled + back has solar pad for recharging, but it really doesnt work quickly. More a gimmic. Verizon+att,wifi yes!
Apple Tablet has thumbpads on each side for mouse guestures, reads fingerprint for security. Up to 5 profiles by finerprint for family.
Yes, there are 2cameras: one in front and one in back (or it may be one with some double lens) so you record yourself and in front of u.
Well @joshgrenon, I can tell u the battery life is great in ebook reading mode but not great when on wifi or playing games. 2-3hrs
Yes @HappyDrew, the apple tablet is running an iphone os flavor with ability to have multiple apps running at same time (ie pandora, browser
The price will be 599, 699 and 799 depending on size and memory in apple tablet. Also, wireless keyboard + monitor connection for tv
The best part ofthe apple tablet as beta user has been the built in HDTV tuner and pvr, and the chess game.
Also, the apple tablet is really amazing for newspapers. Video conferencing is super stable, but nothing new.
Note to press: No, not going to break my NDA w/ Apple/steve so u can get jump on announcement. It is the most *amazing* device ever.

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